William has become a "pro" at using a spoon and he prefers the real deal. He does not like his spoons and forks (you know the safe ones) but wants the silver we use. William knows where to get the spoons from and when its time to eat he gets one out. If we are lucky we will hand him one of his before he gets to the drawer. Yes, he is tall enough to stick that little hand in the drawer for his spoon. Now he absolutely refuses help and will cry crocodile tears if you even come near his spoon. However, if he loses his patience and really wants those last few bites he hands us the spoon. I will admit its getting easier in some ways because now I can cook dinner. It feels like yesterday when I poured his first bowl of rice cereal and was a nervous wreck. Funny how fast time goes by with little ones.
That is a serious eating face! |
We decided to take yet another trip to the outlet mall in Leeds. We had some coupons for Carter's and was hoping for a Thanksgiving shirt for the bud. Not one store had Thanksgiving clothes but were willing to sell me Christmas shirts (really?). Anywho, we did buy William some slippers which are a little big but he grows right? Ha.
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