1. Tell us what you studied in college. Is your job now related to what you studied?
I went to Auburn University from 2003 to 2008 and went through several degree programs. Blah. I am still sad about how immature I was because I could have done nursing. I was young and just wanted to enjoy the "college life" and not study my buns off. So I finished with a Marketing degree and started working at Enterprise Rent A Car. I HATED IT; enough said. I went back to school at Montevallo for a Master's in Elementary Education and again I guess I was still young and lazy. Why did I not become a nurse when I had a second chance? I am thankful for my degrees and I do enjoy both subjects. However, no to answer the question; I am not working in either field. I work in Real Estate Collections.
2. Tell us what your everyday job looks like.
Hmm..well like I said I work in Collections. After working in this department for a year I do not see myself as a "bill collector." I truly try to help folks stay in their homes. Basically my day revolves around a "dialer" which is what automatically calls customers in Collections. Its not my fav but its part of my job. When I am not "smiling and dialing" I am talking to customers about payments, assistance options, or trying to find customers who do not want to talk to me. Ha.
3. Do you have a picture of you at work? Show us.
4. In 10 years, what do you see yourself doing? Same thing? More? Tell us.
I will be 37 years old and I see myself either in a supervisor position in Collections or another part of the bank doing something completely different. I do not and will not see myself doing this in 10 years. I work very hard every day and I will advance my career. I would like to work with mortgages but on the happier side. :)
5. Tell us what you have learned, and what {if any} recommendations you may have for those looking to go into the field you are in.
I have learned a lot about the Real Estate world. I know the steps people go through before going into Foreclosure. I have learned how banks try to help people. I recommend having a tough skin which comes with time. The job tugged on my heart at the beginning then eventually you become somewhat immune to the "sob stories." Not every situation is a "sob story" but you can not let each and every call get you down. If you have offered every possible way to keep the customer in their home and its just not in the cards do not blame yourself.
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