Monday, October 29, 2012

Show and Tell Link Up

1. Tell us about how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him. is a funny story.  I was out celebrating with one of my best gal friends, Montana, who had graduated from Auburn earlier that day.  So...obviously two college girls would be out celebrating at a bar and of course it would be Supper Club.  My future hubs was also in town celebrating one his friend's graduation and what do you know Montana and Rudy knew each other.  They had met through Rudy's fraternity because Montana was a "little sister" or something like that.  We ended talking because Montana had walked off for some reason and I was playing the "I am on the phone game when really I just don't wanna look like a loser standing alone in the bar."  We ended hanging out all evening and started dating shortly after.  As far as attraction stuff I immediately fell for Rudy.  I thought he was tall, lean and handsome.  I also fell for him because he was older and had a full time job.  He was over the college "fun" and had a degree to show for it. 

2. Show us the very first {or one of the first} pictures you guys ever took together. {Feel free to show us more than one}

I will say I looked through years of pictures and we did not take many just the two of us when we first met.  The first one is 2007 (we met in December of 2006) and the 2nd one is 2009.  I also will add I should never be fat again, that is all.  First pic is pre Weight Watchers and second one I am right in the middle of the diet plan. 

3. Tell us some of your favorite memories that you two had together.

Our honeymoon to Las Vegas was a lot of fun.  We saw a lot of things, ate at this "diner" in our hotel almost every night, and just enjoyed each other's company.

The night William was born; we will never forget that, ever.

4. Tell us your favorite qualities about this man, what makes him "the one."

He loves us!  Rudy works hard on our home and if there was a money tree in our backyard he would put even more into the house.  He makes William laugh which in turn puts a smile on my face.  Rudy may not "love" his current job but he knows he can not quit because he has a family to take care of. 

5. Tell us what your "date nights" typically look like.

Um, eating take out while the bud runs around.  Ha.  We do not get out much now that we have William but we enjoy movies and dinner.  Before life happened I would ride with him while he played golf.  I guess that should be under memories but we also treated those like dates because we got to know each other.  Honestly, we are a low key couple.  We enjoy running errands, seeing new things, etc.   

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