Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our Bud Lately

* Will be 27 Months old on May 5th.

  As you know William qualified for speech therapy and has already had his first lesson.  Her notes indicated they played with puzzles, toys, and books.  I am eager to see how William is with his speech by the end of May because his speech appointments fall back to back.
  Although I am extremely thankful for speech therapy I am seeing improvements every day.  He is getting better at telling us what he wants and answering our questions.  Most of the words I can decipher but there are several I have not the slightest clue.  When we can not figure his words out is when the fits happen in full force.

  My juice, mine, dog, cookie, Maw (for my mother; no clue about this one b/c we call her Grammie), BaBa (for my dad), gosh (once then I told him it wasn't a good word), nice, snack, car, mow (to ride the lawnmower with my dad), hat, tea, boots, nana (banana), fruit (for cans of peaches), cheese, Meme, moo (for cows at Meme's), Max (friend at school), book, bubbles (for his color tablets for bath tub), water (but not clear at all), please, thank you, money, bird, two, ice, keys, no, teeth, hot, cup

  William is in 2T pants and shirts.  My mother has bought him 3T shirts which fit so we will not buy anymore 2T shirts.  The problem is we can not buy the sets because 3T shorts would fall off.  Size 5 diapers, and 7-8 shoes.  Probably around 30 lbs. and at least 3' tall by now if not over.

  The bud eats when he wants to eat.  He is not a huge breakfast fan and does not actually finish it until around 9.  He loves a can of peaches, strawberries, bananas, any fruit really.  Veges are not great right now but I try to give him a pouch every now and then.  He still drinks milk but prefers juice or water.  He likes cookies, ice cream and yogurt for dessert.  William has been eating meat recently but there are days that he hardly eats anything at all.  He is a big boy so I am not overly concerned.

Things to Remember:
   He is ready to potty train but we are waiting for move ups at school.  They incorporate the potty in the 2K room so we will push it more at home end of May.  He will say "tee-tee" and "poop;" recently before he actually goes.  William loves to call Meme on the phone and talk about the cows.  He loves to mow grass and rather be at my parent's house then his own.  William feeds Lexus every time we visit and calls her "dog."  He wants her to have her toys and he will drop them by her mouth.  He loves to read and has a book we read about 3x a day.  And yes it is a very boring book but I make it fun.  The bud does not like getting a bath, or getting out.  He would rather be in a diaper than clothes.  If he gets in trouble he will sit on the floor until I pick him up.  My bud is a cleaner and will wipe, mop, sweep, Windex anything in the house.  He loves to help with laundry and will call out our clothes (Mama, Dada, mine).  Rudy taught him how to give "Eskimo" kisses (nose to nose).  We can not pass Home Depot without him begging us to stop and if you ask him about Publix he says, "cookie."

  Listening.  William is not listening and its driving us nuts.  It takes several times of asking him before he will do it.  He gets "popped" on the leg for this and for the most part he is a good 2 year old. He does test us by doing something he knows is wrong and cutting his eyes at us.  Eeks!  Napping in his bed on the weekends; he would rather skip it entirely.  Throwing things when mad.  Being independent to the point of being unsafe (walking in parking lots, down stairs, getting off things, etc.)
As you can tell listening is an issue.  His clothes and diaper on the floor and the bud in my rain boots...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst

    I really do not know how I came across this book but it was amazing.  Several months ago I started reading daily devotionals online in hopes of growing my faith.  I also incorporated daily prayer into my life and began praying with my bud.  After a month or so of praying I felt led to be baptized and have William dedicated.  I will be doing this next month at my Aunt's church.  But back to the book pictured above...
  Although the devotions online are great and I still read them I wanted a book I could actually touch.  After work I stopped by the Christian bookstore hoping to find a couple of books.  This one was being marketed and a copy was placed in every part of the store so I ended up with it.  Thank the Lord!
  I had not one clue what it was about but God definitely placed it in my hands because I needed every word.  The book teaches you ways to have self control in your daily tasks.  The author does a wonderful job of giving real life examples of when she lost control and Bible verses to calm our nerves.  I just bought another one of her books but will be reading this one again, for sure.


Sunday, April 21, 2013


William loves going to Baba's house on the weekends. He got to ride on the lawn mower for the first time and played under their deck. I am very thankful that my parents live so close because the bud loves hanging with them more than us.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Home Renovations and More

  Lately we have done a lot of home renovations. Beginning with the popcorn ceiling and ending up with a stereo system! The speakers are in the ceiling in 4 separate corners and Rudy may love it more than he does me.
  We also decided on a door leading to the backyard but we did not do the installation. The reason for the new door is for safety concerns because the previous one did not have a dead bolt.
  And no post is complete without our bud...
Gotta love spring and summer clothes but I do not think he will make it in 2T shirts until Fall. What a stinker and his tall genes from his Daddy!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Link Up--Too Funny


1. I laughed so hard I cried when... the hubs got smammered and threw up in the bar...not the bathroom..the bar..and then I cried because he was impossible to carry...
2. My high school...can I get a re-do..enough said...
3. It really pisses me off... when people ask the same questions in the work environment...take a freaking note...
4. In ten years... I will be almost 40 and probably be gray headed with an almost teenage boy under my roof...
5. If I could erase one thing... some of those nights in Auburn..do we really need the detail..probably not...
6. In 1999... I was 14 and did not have even the slightest clue...
7. Honestly... my cell phone service is not cutting it...I hope I never wreck on the interstate because I would be just be praying for a miracle...
8. To me, Sushi...better when its a cake looking like sushi...
9. Someone really needs to invent... a mute button for the 2 year old whining..
10. The first time I drank alcohol... I went overboard and was vomiting and hungover for probably 48 hours...
11. The one question I would ask God is... please allow my children to have the desire to know you as well the desire for a successful life...
12. Lindsay Lohan...what happened to the Parent Trap?  Oh, you went bat sh** cra-cra!  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Popcorn Ceiling

  Here is how it went down...
  There was a leak in our pipes and the plumber had to put a hole in the corner of the ceiling. Plan A was to just repair it and not tackle the popcorn removal yet.
  Well Rudy can not be stopped because he insisted on doing it now. His reasoning was that there is no need in repairing it knowing we will eventually remove the popcorn. So he started and the dust from it was the worse of any of the rooms he has done thus far!
  The dust was even upstairs. I've been cleaning and cleaning and more cleaning the same furniture the past two days. I know it's going to look great but it is a big big job!
  To put more icing on the cake Rudy is putting a surround sound system in the ceiling. Again I know he is working hard and it will look great but my OCD is on overdrive!

Monday, April 8, 2013


  Rudy worked all day Saturday so me and the bud ended up at my parent's house all afternoon. We played outside all morning then took a long nap together before heading over to "baba's."
  On Sunday we headed to the zoo to ride the camel but the only thing William wanted was the "choo choo." After the zoo we spent all day with my parents. William loves being over there!
  We received the bud's initial plan today and I am so excited for him! Another big event taking place in our lives on this coming up Sunday is my baptism and Williams's dedication. Good things are happening in our lives and I am beyond thankful.
  On my last 2 random pictures:  William is getting super picky again with eating so I tried a peanut butter covered banana with rice krispys.  He did not care for it but when I took it to Rudy he got pretty upset.  So weird.  And I love coffee and I love my keurig and I love coffee cups from peeps who travel without me.  The rents went to Vegas and brought me back the coolest cup EVER...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

William's 1st Time Bowling

  Rudy had the day off today because he works this Saturday (boo) and decided to take the bud bowling.  Rudy said William actually did well but his ball was very slow going down the lane causing him to lose interest.  When I called Rudy after work and asked if he got that contraption that the kid puts the ball in and goes straight down the lane.  Of course Rudy had completely forgotten those existed.  Oh well, they had fun!

Early Intervention Services

  At the bud's 2 year checkup the pediatrician was concerned about his speech. I was actually less stressed about it because he was picking up new words almost daily. She went ahead and sent the referral to Early Intervention Services and Rudy set everything it up.
  He did not qualify the first time he was tested but he did this time. I immediately called to get the details and I agreed with the results.
  Of course he scored between 19 and 21 months for all tests related to communication. He was above his age (26 months) for self help and social. However, he scored at 23 months on the physical test only because he has not chosen his right or left hand yet. I think that is silly but whatever!
  Our next appointment is this Thursday and I can not wait to get his plan in place! I am certain with a little extra support the bud will be taking your ears off!!