Finally after a different antibiotic we are on the road to recovery (I hope). She is also fighting teeth coming in at a rapid pace. I think there are more than I can see. Her bottom 2 are fully in and I can see pieces of the top 2. Yes, pieces! I have seen pieces all month.
Speaking of teeth...having only 2 hasn't stopped her from eating. She eats lots of
table food including hamburger meat. As of right now she is doing much better than big brother was in the eating department.
Hannah is fully walking; trying to run. She is a mess all the time and has taken many falls. I literally have to be on her constantly. She is playing with William more and looks for him. He is very patient with her for the most part but we still have to remind him, "easy."
She is too busy for diaper changes and getting dressed. It's a fight every time. I have a feeling she'll be potty trained sooner than the bud. Hannah is around 19 lbs., wears a size 3 diaper and 9-12 month clothes. She is tiny!
Some of Hannah's favorites include: Me (I'm not being boastful ask anyone), her paci, climbing, yogurt melts, baths with brother to name a few. Her attachment to me is bad!!! I actually have had to bring back some sleep training due to separation anxiety.
We look forward to her birthday next month but not to taking away her bottle. This was a hard transition for William
as well.