- Wakes up between 5:45 and 6:30 but we do not go to him til at least 6AM.
- Naps one or twice at daycare depending on the day. One nap at home unless we are running errands and the possibility of sleeping in the car is very high. He will be moving up to Toddler 2 sometime this month and there will only one nap a day. I am hoping at this point he will adjust to one nap and we can run errands without concern of only one super early nap.
- Bedtime between 7-8PM and a bath each night.
- Eating is about the same. He still has something here before daycare and then eats breakfast, lunch and snack there. We stopped sending yogurt to be included in the snack because in Toddler 2 they do not feed the kids (by hand). We have noticed that William eats better at dinner now.
- Milk before daycare, 2x at daycare, and before bed. Juice mixed with water at home.
- 18 months, 2T clothes, Size 4 diapers but the night time diapers are being moved up to 5 this month. Size 6 shoe for the most part.
- Allergies seems to be finally under control. He is on 5ML of prescription allergy meds 2x a day. She also gave cream for eczema.
- 12 teeth I know of--4 molars---4 top front and 4 bottom front teeth--I believe some more are coming through but he bit me very hard last time I checked.
- Started running and still loves to dance. William stopped crowds of people at Disney World with his dancing. Side note: did great on the plane. He was awake on the way but well behaved and slept the entire flight home.
- Highly dislikes carseat.
- Started "loving" his friends and blankets. Will lay his head on his blankets and hug his lovies. He will kiss you (open mouthed) if you ask for a "kiss." A big waver and I even found it helps when I have to take from something to tell him to wave "bye bye."
- Too smart for us and testing his limits. He will do the same thing over and over expecting a "yes" instead of "no." Throws himself down but usually this stems for exhaustion or hunger. If he is told no rested and with a full tummy he usually just moves on.
- Says "golf ball," "uh-oh," "touchdown," and he tries "thank you." William does a lot of grunting when he wants something and I do my best to use words with him. He will walk over to his high chair when hungry. He nods head yes and no so this helps.
- William still has a tendency to put things in mouth and bite books. I hope this passes; I cringe when he puts a stick in his mouth. I want him to enjoy being outside but he gets annoyed because I am always right behind him.
- Plays independently on occassion but also loves his Mommy and Daddy. Wallets keep him busy and so much so that he lost a major credit card. No worries we cancelled it and the William got his own wallet with junk cards. He plays with books all the time and I want to read to him so bad but he always closes it. One day he will want me to read to him and I am waiting
Wow! I can not believe he is 18 months old!
In the hospital. |
Sick baby on his birthday. |
18 Months Old |
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