*Taking his picture this month was a bit like photographing a wild animal.
"Wow, has this always been part of the chair or am I just now noticing it after 8 months?" |
"And Abuelo thought this would entertain me while I looked at the camera. Ha, I'll show them." |
"Really Mom, you are snapping pics of me with my pants tag sticking out." "You are a real piece of work and putting the rattle in the side of the chair, trading you in." |
"You wanna see a little leg, do you?" |
Eats and Size
- 4 bottles-2-6 oz. and 2-8 oz./ Stage 2 fruit for bfast w/ oatmeal/ Stage 2 vege for lunch (sometimes a meat) and 4 tbsp. rice at night with last bottle.
- Anywhere from 9-12 month clothes. Size 3 Diaper
- Went to the Dr. for flu shot and you weigh 20.2 lbs.
- Airplanes
- Visiting lots of new places
- Stay in hotel and a bath in the sink
- Meeting cousins
- Riding on train in Boston
- TMI but first diarrhea experience (two in a row and I called the nurse)
- Flu shot
- Walker-only goes backwards
- I cut your thumb while trimming your nails :( We were in Maine and everyone freaked out. I did not get too upset mainly because you just whimpered and moved on.
- Sitting- We put you in the pack n play with your toys and you do great. However, you are still too wobbly to be on hard floor.
- Set in restaurant highchair
- Eating fruits out of mesh feeder
- Pushing upper body all the way up for a second or so then falls face first :( (He does not hurt himself; goes down slowly but always plants face on ground and rubs around)
Other Info
- Talks a lot-makes lots of sounds
- Splashes in bath
- No teeth yet
- Sleeps on stomach now
- Mommy got a full time job and you will start daycare Oct. 24
- No more carrier; Daddy says you are too squirmy and seems uncomfortable
- Abuelo accidentally poured coffee on you (it was cold and he was trying to throw the liquid out the window somehow it came back in ???)
- Diaper leaks more than it should at night...looked at overnight diapers but can not find size 3
Huggies makes a size 3 overnight- I found them at Target. They come in a purple box :) Good luck!