This weekend has not been great and this is an understatement. Rudy worked all day Saturday and the only good thing about Saturday was seeing Erin. William and I met her at the Galleria; he passed out on the way there and ending up sleeping over an hour in the car. Erin just sat in the car with me and talked which I loved. I am so happy she is back in Alabama and we can hang out all the time. My main reason for the Galleria trip was face cream. I found these dark spots on my face and I almost screamed at the mirror. I do not like wearing makeup on the weekends so I had to do something about these spots. My friend, Yachira, from work suggested Clinique. I can not use their makeup line but figured I would give their corrector a try. The lady took me to it and I saw the price: 49.50!!! So I then asked for a cheaper one. She thought I was NUTS. I am not cheap but I have a family now and can not be spending 50 bucks on face cream. My face is a prominent feature (duh) and I owe it to myself to care for it. I spent the money but the good thing about Sephora is I can take it back. I marked it on my calendar and if in 4 weeks the dark spots are not basically gone I will return it. Then we had lunch and that was it for Saturday. William and I just hung out around the house and he found these:

He just wanted them put on then he would take the sunglasses right back off. It was entertaining for the both of us for about 10 minutes. And that hand is frozen and its the only teething toy he will use.
Now onto Sunday and this day was horrible. We knew we would be taking William to the doctor so that was not a surprise. However, our pediatrician's office closing on weekends without any formal notice angered surprised us. Plus the fact that no one knew the correct hours of the After Hours Clinic did not help our mood. I am going to spare you the boring details but this guy...
has croup. He had a cough for about 2 months over the winter and I knew this one was different from the start. It was dry and he whimpered after each cough. His temp spiked and it just got worse. William is not an eater but now he has pretty much quit eating. Loves the juice and milk but has quit eating. I managed a popsicle and 3 cheese puffs this afternoon. The doctor gave him steroids for the swelling in the airway and we are using the inhaler for weezing the allergist prescribed. William has been such a trooper this weekend and hopefully he will fight this off sooner rather than later.
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