I can not believe William has been here for 6 months. His personality is starting to come out and his expressions are so funny. I think he is learning to fuss when he does not like something, for example, being strapped in the highchair. Still loves being in the carrier on Daddy (yay) and it will be a sad day when he too big for it (for Daddy). Here is what has been going on:
Happenings: Rolling from back to tummy (all of the time), may have "forgot" the tummy to back roll because you have done it 2x since learning the back to tummy. Started making noises with mouth (hilarious and constant once you start), Talking more, Has more interest in toys and will reach for them, Splashes in bath, Had all of the 1st foods fruits and veggies and seem to like all of it except peas, carrots gave you gas but I may try once more to confirm it was the carrots (tried it; regret it), Has finally caught on to the exersaucer and loves it. He will laugh in it and turn around to see the toys on all sides of him, definitely a paci baby, prefers paci in car, while watching TV, getting ready for bed, ALL of the time, went to Dr. for the first time because you were not yourself for at least 2 weeks, He thinks you may have acid reflux so we are on Zantac for now, meeting Aunt (your Great) Anna and cousin Lauren for lunch, you did great and lapped up all the attention
around 32 oz per day in 4 bottles, 2 solid meals (morning and dinner)-2 TBSP oatmeal w/ fruit, 2TBSP rice with veggie, recently started mixing 1 jar w/ half of another which he likes, not enjoying solids as much as before (teething?), or bored with the taste, I usually start on monthly updates a week or so in advance but things have drastically changed, I am striking through because I want to remember everything I tried, once he started Zantac he began to enjoy solids again however, taking the Dr.'s advice I spread apart liquid and solid feeds (maybe he does not have reflux maybe Mommy was shoving food down his throat), William has started rejecting formula (half of bottle usually). This being said this month has been a challenge because he is changing everyday. I just hope he is not struggling with something we can not put a finger on.
We feed you in the chair except at bedtime because you are so squirmy (notice the legs). |
Growth: Mostly 9 Mo. clothes, some 6-9 Mo., Size 3 Diaper day and night, I think you have thinned out; probably because you always want to play
Sleeping: I think teething has started full force and is disrupting your sleep. You have started waking up a few times a night wanting the paci or comfort. Sometimes you are fussy and I put you in our bed. Working on a nap schedule; it changes all of the time which makes a schedule difficult. You have taken a couple of naps in the crib but sometimes you CRY and it makes my heart sad. I know it is for the best but its tough. You have also started sleeping on your side (almost on the belly) and there are times where you roll completely over, you wake up very scared.
This is one of those mornings where you won the battle and got in my bed. |
One of the three times you have napped in your crib. Oh well; we will get there eventually. |