32 Weeks Preggo Update

- Weight gain: 24 lbs. as of Monday's appointment.
- I feel pretty good but my belly is beginning to get in my way. I say this because it is getting harder to play with William on the floor, sit in his chairs, etc.
- Heartburn was bad last weekend and I think it's here to stay! I do have to use the potty a lot (like every half hour) during the day. Sleep is not easy. My back hurts when I initially go to bed and it takes some moving around to get comfortable. Also, I do not breathe as easy when I am in the bed. All in all I am doing great. So great in fact I am potty training the bud and after the first two days I have to feel good to do that all day.
- William still knows "sissy" is in my belly and calls her by name without any prompts. He talks about sharing with her when she comes home. I think he will be a great big brother.
- As for the gestational diabetes the doctor does not know why I failed the test. I told her it was high (140) after lunch last week and she said that is not even that high. She is allowing me two weeks before coming back. Yay. I also confirmed that even though she is measuring great and my sugar is good I can still get an ultrasound. She said 36 weeks! That is only 4 weeks away and I am so excited to find out the weigh estimate.
- The nursery? Nope. Funny with your second child the nursery is not near as important. We have all the bedding and crib ready. William will be in there in the twin bed until my in laws leave so Hannah will be with us for a while. I will get the pack n play set up after Thanksgiving which is all I need upstairs.
- I am looking forward to my family shower on Thanksgiving and a work shower in early December. So blessed! After these I will be able to determine exactly what else we need to keep Hannah content when she comes home in January. I say January but if she is like her big brother we will see her late December.
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