When I spoke to the nurse she had me come in for blood work that day and make an appointment with my doctor the next week. It was confirmed through blood work that I was indeed pregnant and that the pills I took would not harm the baby.
When I saw the doctor the next week she ordered an ultrasound and I was around six weeks pregnant with a due date of 1/8/14. The only problem was they did not see the heartbeat which my doctor says is completely normal since I was very early. She had me come in a week later and another ultrasound was performed. I saw the flutter on the screen and felt immediate relief. I made my next appointment for 4 weeks later and left without a care in the world.
Until the morning sickness came on me like a ton of bricks. I did not have any symptoms with William other than exhaustion and the heartburn late in the pregnancy. So this was a shock for me. I had to get a prescription called in and this helped some. It got to the point that I could not eat much and was also dealing with upset stomach for 2 days. I left early from work, took a nap, and then had to call the doctor because I had spotting. Of course with it being almost five she sent me to the ER. Come back for that post...

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