At least I got him and the chair, right? These were taken on his birthday but I was going to try for better ones the next day...not happening. William knows that my phone and "cheese" means a pic and he is not in the mood these days.
Well, well, well, this is the bud's final monthly post. Of course there will be lots of updates on our little man! I have been thinking about the past two years and honestly it is hard to remember life without William. I can replay every single detail of labor and delivery as well as the first night home with him. I had no clue! Now, it is 2 years later and things seem easier (in some ways).
In only 2 short years William went from a helpless newborn to a smart, adventurous, loving, and hilarious little boy. We find ourselves laughing when we should be disciplining because he is sooo funny. For example, you give the boy a cookie (a cookie!!) and he breaks it into pieces while throwing it in the car. Who does that? You give me a cookie and I savor every last crumb! Here are our last set of bullets on Budsy:
- 16-20 teeth; I know he has two molars on the bottom but I have not been able to see the top.
- Size 7 shoe, 5 diaper, 24 months or 2T clothes, around 28 lbs.
- Sleeps anywhere from 8:15 to 6:45. He is now in a twin bed and so far so good. However, he does get out as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Goodbye to the times we let him play in the crib a few minutes while
arguingdiscussing who is to get him. Naps great at daycare but not so great at home. - Sometimes William eats everything we put in front of him and asks for more. Other times he eats only a banana for dinner. Still loves milk! He eats meat only on occassion but not enough to even document. He prefers to snack then eat a meal.
- "Reads" books, vacuums, sweeps, dusts (I do not make him to do this; he loves it). William has not been into his toys recently but prefers to copy us. He wants to be held all of the time and prefers the kitchen. He will help us make coffee, cook, and loves the pantry. William carries his chairs around or other large items. I have to admit I am having difficulty with the toy part of the post because right now he doesn't care for them. He would love being outside 24 hours a day if we would allow it.
- William is saying more words. No sentences just clearer words. If you ask him how old he is he will say, "two." I told him I was talking to Meme on the phone and he said, "Meme." He has definitely separated Mama and Daddy. He says, "Dada" when I discipline him or if it is bedtime, ha. Bud says, "no" like there is no tomorrow! Also, "eat," "baby," "juice," and "move." Some of these are the same as previous months or I may have left some out but he is starting to pick up words quickly. William also copied letter sounds last night.
- William is becoming more independent. When we ask if we can help he says, "no," but a few months ago he preferred the help. If you give him a boost into a chair or couch he starts over. He can take his pants, shoes, socks, and diaper off. He would step into the tub solo if we allowed it. If he is playing with a toy and its obvious he is frustrated I will ask if he needs help. Budsy says no several times before he either gets it himself or lets us help.

Jennifer, I enjoy reading about your little bundle of joy so much. He's adorable!! Enjoy every second with him that you can because in the blink of an eye he will be grown!!!
Jennifer, I enjoy reading about your little bundle of joy so much. He's adorable!! Enjoy every second with him that you can because in the blink of an eye he will be grown!!!