Just a quick update on our lives with sweet William. We spent Father's Day weekend with my parents (beginning on Friday) and were at home to basically sleep in our own beds. It was a wonderful weekend; William was exhausted and slept pretty much all day Monday. We met them at the Galleria Friday for lunch and William tested out the carrier his Aunties gave him when they visited. This is a must have; he loves it. This is a blessing because our sweet boy is not a fan of the car seat/stroller at all. We always have to take him out and carry him (he is over 16 lbs. now). Now the carrier is part of all the baby stuff that goes with us everywhere. Thank you Aunt Maria and Aunt Ceal!! After the Galleria we talked my parents into coming over for dinner and going to Rudy's softball game. I say "talk into" because my parents hate leaving Lexus (our amazing boxer) alone. Although his team lost we had a great time; William slept the whole time. Rudy had to work Saturday and I had a work meeting at 7 AM (yes at Publix, we discussed the new coupon policy) so my parents came over and kept William company. Then we decided it would be easier if Rudy met us at their house so I packed up our stuff and rode with my parents. Now that I am doing oatmeal, fruits, and veges going over to my parents has been stressful but I am trying to just go with the flow. I am so routine it is nuts; I do the same thing each day and when the weekends come my routine is kicked to the curb. William naps in his car seat, walking around Home Depot and he eats in a vibrating chair. What I find out on Monday is WE all survived so why do I get irritated every weekend. Father's Day was Sunday and my parents feel the need to grill on holidays. We drove over had Subway and went to Publix. Rudy and I planned on getting on few necessities at the same time so we would not have to go on the way home. We were blessed with a whole week of groceries. Thanks Mom and Dad. Mom grilled since it was Father's Day and we enjoyed shrimp and steak. The weekend was great and I was so happy to make such sweet memories.
Other info- No calls on teaching jobs or any other full time jobs I have applied for yet. I have not made the transition to William's crib for naps (I really want to do this but he screams). I work about 2 shifts a week at Publix; I enjoy it. Still shower at night (this is funny because I do not know when I will shower during the day). Have 5 lbs. to lose before I get to my pre-preggo weight. I have become a bit obsessed with reading blogs. Lots of people (strangers included) comment on how cute William is and BIG! I try to not let this bother me but it does a little :( Rudy is an amazing father and helps with the bath every night and loves his son more than life itself. This is all random but I will appreciate it when I look back on old posts.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
This guy...
loves his Daddy and....
Real food has started and yes I know it seems early for vegetables. We saw Dr. B. on Tuesday and told him how much Similac he has been taking per day (a whopping 37 oz.) and were told to feed William cereal plus begin introducing vegetables and fruits. I obsessively read information on babies (what new mom doesn't) and knew he was drinking too much milk but due to my reading I knew not to start cereal before 4 months. Finally, after feeding the big guy 8 oz servings and still barely going 3.5 hrs. between feedings I called the doctor and started cereal. He (I) had a hard time at first adjusting but we figured out a perfect feeding schedule. William is a happier baby now which makes for a sane Mommy. We were also told he should be napping a lot less than he does (3 hours give or take) and be in bed by 7PM. Rudy and I looked at each other but said nothing; bedtime is usually around nine after the last bottle. William is not a happy camper between 7 and 9 at night ever. So...after much consideration (on the way home from Dr. B we were a firm, "NO WAY") we are slowly moving his bedtime up. Last night was not easy! William has been going in his crib without one issue but I guess the change in timing did not go unnoticed. He screamed, I went in thinking, "Holy bananas something is wrong." As soon as he saw me he stopped screaming. Since he has never done this before I scooped him up and rocked him. William was asleep after the second rock so back to crib you go. "You are not tricking me," says a baby that can not speak but can SCREAM. Back in I go this time thinking back to the endless reading I have done: cry it out. I did not pick him up this time I just rubbed his belly saying, "shhh" continuously. This did the trick but he did wake up super early this morning. Hoping we can stick to this new routine.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
4 Months
I am doing bullets this month on our sweet William.
- Smiles all the time, has laughed out loud a few times, started talking (we think you learned this from Ayla at her birthday party)
- Recognizes the bottle
- I would consider him a supported sitter-he holds his head up as long as we support the belly/back area
- He loves to sit up and I think
he gets bored in the vibrating chair
- Beginning to like the swing more (he loved it the first month or so then began to loathe it)
- Size 2 Diapers but size 3 at night (we are trying to get rid of size 2 because they started leaking; William is a big boy), 6 Month clothes but since Mommy prefers your clothes loose and comfy this is not always accurate, has 5 bottles but sometimes 4-serving sizes vary from 6 oz to 8 oz
- Stats:
- Length: 26 3/4 inches (95%)
- Weight: 16.5.5 lbs (90-95%)
- Head: 17 1/4 (90%)
- Using Bumbo occassionally
- Hates tummy time but you learned how to get out of it---ROLL OVER!! You did this on the bed first (we were right there; no worries) and now you do it so fast once you get on your tummy we do not have time for pictures or video
- Has had several fits in car seat
- Hanging out with Daddy while Mommy worked...Daddy changed his first poop diaper (twice)
- Still on gas drops
- We think you are teething because you literally drool so much that you soak your clothes (you hate bibs)
- Loves to stick entire fist into mouth
- Loves "Ellie" which was a gift from Grammie from the Eric Carle collection
- Celebrated Mother's Day-you and Daddy got me a gift card for my Nook and hand/footprint kit (Mommy and Daddy had a time getting this done), Erin also visited us during this weekend and she gave us Mommy/baby themed books which I can not wait to read to you
- Naps well, sleeps at night well. We bathe you between 8 and 9, feed you, and put you down. You sleep anywhere from 5 to 7 AM. Sometimes you wake up fussy between 2 and 4AM and I give you gas drops, you poot, I rock you, you fall asleep. Naps are pretty predictable but we are holding you and should be putting you in your crib.
- We let you test out your highchair and play with a spoon. I callled the doctor and was told to start cereal. We used the spoon the first time and you actually did very well. You smiled and opened your mouth but was not sure how to swallow the cereal. We can start yellow vegetables next week; hoping it goes well.
- Loves the TV, kicks like crazy, smiles when Daddy runs your hands through his hair, blue eyes (please stay this color, Thanks, Mommy), I see some red in your hair on top but the back is still dark
- Went to your first birthday party, slept until the real fun started: cake!
Just hanging out in my diaper after spitting up on Mommy and my outfit. |
Friday, June 3, 2011
I have officially started working at Publix. I am available 4 days a week but they have been giving me only one shift per week. No complaints from me or Rudy since I also do West At Home. West At Home is awesome! What you need: house phone, internet, and patience. You answer calls for the products you see on commercials and yes people still order the silly products by phone instead of internet. One of my favorite products is the HD Aviators glasses which are now sold at Wal Mart. They pay by "talk" minute but make sure you get minimum wage for your state. I love it and hate it because you set your own hours and can delete hours 24 hours before the shift. Deleting hours is tempting with a fussy baby and a tired husband. It works for us for now but I apply for teaching jobs as soon as they open. I am trying to be content with our situation but it is hard when I know we need the income. Back to Publix. I really enjoy getting out of the house even to work; keeps me sane. I look forward to it because I see lots of babies and always ask the Mama's questions. Who knows better than a Mom who just went through starting solid food? I am torn with solid food. William will be 4 months on Sunday but I really think his bottles are not enough. He probably should have started cereal 2 weeks ago. We see the pediatrician Tuesday (shots, boo) and I hope he gives us good advice on food (worried he is not going to tell me what I want to hear). I am back to work and enjoy it for the most part. Happy to be with William all day.
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