9 Months
- First time at daycare.
- First cold.
- First Halloween.
- First tooth (and second) coming in on bottom.

- Sitting- stable, I really do not worry about him falling over. William slowly goes onto his stomach. However, plopping him down on driveway, patio, etc. is not happening yet.
- Standing and attempting to pull up.
- Wants to crawl so bad but is content rolling to the destination.
- Wears 12 month clothes and some 9 month. Size 3 diapers.
- Holds bottle.
- Eating 3 solid meals (Stage 2) a day. (Breakfast and lunch at daycare; dinner at home). Daycare adds whole grain rice to his meals but after it runs out no more rice at daycare. I can not be sure they measure properly and I plan to give it to him with dinner. Honestly, I am probably going to phase it out. We always mix it with his foods and we all know William is not hurting for cals.
- Since daycare started I give a "snack" in the morning- 4 oz. bottle and then he has 4 oz. with breakfast at daycare. I just can not send my baby to school on an empty tummy. Lunch is 6 oz. with a vegetable. 8 oz. at 3, vege at 5, and 6 oz. at bedtime.
- William loves puffs but does not self feed. Yes, Rudy places a puff on his tongue, waits, and gives another. I think Rudy enjoys watching William "chew."
- We let William try things we are eating and he never rejects anything. Until he can self feed we will stick with baby food for the most part. I can not wait to give him a bowl of spaghetti :)
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