Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hannah-19 Months

Hannah turned 19 months on 8/2.  

She's in 24 month clothing and size 4 diapers.  Hannah has big feet and is almost out of her sixes.  

She still loves to eat and would all day if we let her.  Hannah also started speech therapy this month and says:  uh oh, old, yes, eat, but still not mama/dada regularly.  

Hannah has done very well in her new school.  She still naps once a day for about an hour.   Bedtime is around 6:15.  

I just found out her tubes are out and her right ear is infected.  I'm hoping we don't have to get a second set this winter. 

Hannah is still a busy bee and keeps us on our toes.  She still climbs, jumps and runs way too fast. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

William-4.5 Years Old

He is the best!!!  Hannah thinks he hung the moon.  I do not know anyone with a more loving heart....

William's favs are golfing with Baba and Daddy, playing on my phone, taking showers "all by myself," his rain boots, and cooking.  

He can write his name pretty well, knows more letters than he lets on.  I think he does not like me "testing" his school 
skills.  This is a big year at school and I expect to see leaps and bounds!

William is still not a great eater.  He weighs about 38 lbs and is in size 5
shirts.  However, he can still wear 3T shorts.  Naps are still great and bedtime is around 8.   William is still an early riser and is awake no later than 615.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

18 Month Checkup and More

Hannah had a great check up.  She's a big eater and is growing well (obviously).  The doctor was surprised by how well she eats as most kids get picky at this age.  

Her only concern was her speech or lack thereof...  
William had a few words by this point and he was still considered behind.  Hannah doesn't say much at all...she only uses mama when extremely frustrated.  The doctor had her hearing tested then refereed us to Early Intervention.  

Hannah passed her hearing test with no issue.  For early intervention she was 18-24 months in all areas but communication.  She will get speech therapy at school 2x a month for one 
hour.  This was the same therapy William received but he was 2 when it started.  So hopefully little miss will start talking our ears off soon.  

Also worth noting---
A week after this checkup she had a bug bite on her arm with a streak going down it.  I knew that possibly meant infection but honestly thought it was a bad bug bite that was trying to heal.  I was going to give it one more day then go to the doctor.  The daycare director was concerned and suggested I call the nurse ...who immediately had me bring Hannah in to be seen.  It was cellulitis which is a serious skin infection.  Luckily Hannah reacted quickly to antibiotics and began healing the same day!!!