Weight Gain: Too much! I'm blaming it on vacation! I'm up between 18 and 20 lbs. I will be very conscious of my weight this month and hope I even out. The doctor just chuckled and said maybe you won't gain this next month. Don't worry I'll be weighing each week. No vending machine trips for chocolate and no eating out at work.
Size of baby: Papaya
William is Thinking: He says "sissy" all of the time. If I tell him I can not pick him up he mentions it hurting the baby. William will not say "Hannah" yet. I have bought a few things for her and he recognizes that they are for "sissy." He will rub and kiss my bell when prompted.
How I Feel: Fat! Indigestion is in full force. Tums are a norm part of my day. No unusual cravings but just hungry. I am the last to finish my meal and always want something afterwards. In maternity jeans and still wearing the long skirts. I can get away with some non maternity shirts. TMI but up a bra size which puts me where I was before I got pregnant with William. He took a whole cup size when I birthed him. Ha. Having trouble getting in a comfy position to sleep at night. Of course using the potty A LOT.
Things to Come: I believe my October appointment will be a glucose test and I am hoping to get the nursery in order. Rudy has to paint the ceiling and then we can clean the walls. Once this happens we can start decorating.

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