Monday, February 14, 2011

William Made an Early Appearance!

We were trying to get William to make his grand appearance so we decided to go walk at the Galleria on Friday night (2/4). It was time for dinner so we (including Rudy's parents) decided on Chinese and it was just what I wanted. My stomach had been very tight for a couple of days; I had a feeling he was coming soon. We arrived at the galleria and did some walking; I was very tired at this point. We got home and I actually refused dessert because I was so exhausted. (Very odd for me to refuse my Breyer's Fat Free Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream). Anyways, I went up to bed while Rudy and his parents hung out downstairs. I was sound asleep when Rudy came to bed and he woke me up by rubbing the belly :). I had to use the bathroom by this point but afterwards I received a shock: WATER BROKE! Rudy could not find the number to Labor and Delivery so I am just hanging out in the bathroom. Finally, I called the hospital and was told to come in to confirm my water broke (IT BROKE). The nurse confirmed what I knew and put me into a room. Luckily my doctor was on call which was a pleasant surprise. Saturday morning they started the pitocin and I went through a day of contractions and very little dilating. I refused pain medicine all day until 5 PM when I decided it was time for the epidural. Still not dilated enough everyone went home and Rudy and I napped. Around 7 (I think) I buzzed the nurse because I felt pain and I was not supposed to (the epidural, duh)! She checked me and it was almost TIME. Fast forward through the personal parts and William arrived at 11:50 PM Saturday night weighing 6.14 ounces and 19.5 inches long.

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