She is very tall; opposite of her Mommy. I always knew William would be taller than me but I'm almost positive Hanny will be as well.
Average weight and a huge head! The huge head is a Hester thing; big brains 😁.
In comparison to William they are about the same but since boys should be bigger the percentiles are different. This makes sense because Hannah eats and William never did!
The doctor was a bit concerned about her speech. It was funny because she asked what she was saying and I said nothing. She says mama and dada but that's it. The doctor then asked, not uh oh or bye bye? Did you skip vocabulary in school? Nothing! She says nothing just like the bud.
This time around I'm blaming genetics and not putting her through testing yet. The girl runs and is meeting every other milestone she will not get approved for speech. I feel like she will once she's two and is still behind because thats how it worked out for William. They passed him by their choice for speech therapy. Technically he didn't pass.
Bottom line I'm not concerned, yet. William talks our ears off now!