Saturday, January 3, 2015

First Birthday-Hannah

  She is 12 months old!!  Hannah is strong willed to say the least!  She keeps us on our toes (and fingers and everything else).

 Hannah is not only fully walking but also trying to run.  She stands on everything and climbs more than her brother does now.  She says mama but that's all I'm hearing.  Hopefully she starts soon so we don't have to do speech therapy (William had it starting at 2 for a year).  

  Hannah likes the bath but only if she's standing.  This makes hair washing difficult and baby sister has tons of hair.  Which by the way is going blonde I'm afraid.   She hates getting out of the bath because she knows that means getting dressed.  

She's wearing size 3 diapers and 9 or 12 month clothes.  She's in a 4 shoe.  Hannah has 4 teeth that I see but I know the top side teeth are coming in.  I also believe she's working on molars.  I'm hoping her sleep improves once some teeth break through.  Her naps are sometimes good sometimes real bad.  We are still on 2 naps a day and about a 6:15 bedtime.  She is on whole milk now and uses a sippy during the day.  However, she spits most of it out so I'm keeping bottles for morning and night feeds awhile longer.

She can eat!!  Her favorite is PBJ and any fruit.  Hannah rarely eats baby food and even turns her head at the toddler meals.  She wants the real deal when it comes to food! She also has little patience for the high chair and usually finishes in my lap.

Hannah likes stuffed animals and carries them all over the place.  She also likes any kind of ball.  Like I said her biggest thrill comes from climbing and standing on things.  

She loves the bud and chases after him which most of the time causes her to lose balance.  I blame him for her early milestones.  Hannah keeps her eye on him and wants to do what he does.  They play well most of the time but of course they want the other's toy.  

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