Saturday, May 28, 2011

Christopher's Birthday

My brother would be 24 today, really?  I can not believe it has been three years since he left us.  My family still talks about him and my Mom wonders what he would look like.  I tell her I basically look the same; I am sure Christopher would also look basically the same.  I still think of his face, smile, and laugh.  It makes me sad because his voice is getting very faint.  I want to think positive about he would be doing today if he were here but honestly I am not sure where Christopher would be with his life.  I like to believe he would have turned his life around and found happiness.  These thoughts are trivial now because Christopher is in a safer place than the world he could not handle. 

During our trip to Meme's for Easter we went to Christopher's grave to replace the Auburn flag.  It definitely looks better with a fresh Auburn flag.  We also took William out and introduced him to his Uncle Christopher.  This may sound weird but my family knows one thing about Christopher: he would have loved William.  I do not know what we will tell William when he asks why Uncle Christopher is no longer with us but he will not be ready for the truth until he is much older.  For now we will fill William with sweet memories of me and Christopher growing up together, happy.   

Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 Months

A Few Pictures...

"Quick get in here while he is sleeping."

During a bath (He does enjoy this contrary to the facial expression)

Family Picture at Meme's on Easter Sunday

Meme and William on Easter Sunday

I Did Its-Smiling ALL the time, Sleeping in your own room (at 10 weeks), Easter at Meme's, grasping burp cloth and occassionally a toy, found your mobile on the Pack and Play and crib, lunch date with Erin and Adam (you have not see Erin since you were born), head is getting stronger but still wobbly, road trip (2 hrs there and 2 hrs back; you did great we only stopped once each trip), meeting more family members-Aunt Suzanne, Uncle David and Stephanie, stayed with Grammie and Papa for about a hour while Mommy and Daddy ran a few errands (this is huge for Mommy to; I never want to leave you), Daddy trimmed your toenails but we are still filing your fingernails, receiving a piece of mail from Aunt Suzanne and her family, Easter gifts at Meme's-can not wait (yes I can) for you to open your gifts by yourself, (this is not an "I Did It" but it has to go somewhere)-You have a faint birthmark inside your belly button :) Grammie found it, survived the tornadoes that ripped through Alabama (thank GOD!)

Growth- size 2 diapers, I put clothes away after each wash because you are getting so big, some 0-3 months but you fit in 3-6 months clothes, 5 bottles/day: 2-6 oz. and 3-7 oz. but would drink more, we do not see the doctor until your 4 month checkup so I do not have any stats but I know you are gaining weight and getting long!

Things You Enjoy- Watching your teddy bear mobile in the Pack and Play, kicking your legs-we got you a kicking piano, car rides (most of the time), taking walks with Mommy and Daddy, bath and you do not get as upset about getting out, stories-Mommy is trying to read to you more often but I have to get you at the right time or you will get fussy, sleep which is something you get from Mommy, putting entire fist in your mouth which gags you; we try to replace the fist with the paci but it does not work

Obstacles-drooling all the time so we are getting use out of all the bibs we have, although we are so proud of you sleeping all night your wake up time is usually between 4 and 5 AM and you do not want to go back down after a bottle but prefer to swing or lay in our arms, you have overcome the formula obstacle we hope-the sensitive is much better on your tummy and although you still have gas it is not near as bad as before, we have not started cereal yet because the doctor said 4 months but you are getting a little over 32 oz. of milk per day and I have read that is when cereal starts, my goal is for you to get strong enough to sit in the highchair so we can feed you cereal because the doctor does not want us putting cereal into a bottle, trying to get things done around the house-you do not like to be anywhere other than our arms during the day for longer than 1 hour (and that is a stretch)


We absolutely love you more than anything else in the world.  We are amazed by you each day and although you throw us some curve balls we are learning your needs and wants.  I think you are beginning to look more like your Daddy and he loves you William.  He told me he would never use "baby talk" but I hear him talking to you and it is definitely not his "adult" voice.  I want you to continue to reach milestones but I know when you do you are getting older and more independent.  I continue to pray for your health and happiness.